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About me

I have an opinion on everything. I speak a few languages so i can waffle to 3 times the amount of people who will listen.

I don't accept anything at face value. I believe that we should always be learning and sharing our art. I think young people should be inspired by us adults. Sincerity.

When I connect what I do with my passions in life. When i'm in that zone I exude positive and engaging energy.

Irish. Studied abroad. 2 years of classical humanities in Salamanca Spain. Degree in Philosophy, long story... Entrepreneur at heart and in practice. I make women feel good about their feet (I own a womens shoe shop) I know crazy isn't it..

Who am I trying to engage with?

My goal is to reach as many people as possible, breathe new found energy into those people who haven't given up on their dreams just yet, people who want to get back to those things that make them happy, after perhaps having to have shelved them due to career, family commitments or otherwise. People who don't accept the status quo of how "society" says we should behave. I could go on....perhaps sign up to the newsletters and subscribe to my youtube channel to keep abreast of my latest musings.

Through video, photography, ebooks, infographics, live streams, and live events (when we're not in a pandemic)...

I am trying to prove to the world that our life experience as adults and our unique personalities have a lot to offer to those you are around us.

How can I help?

Make sure you have subscribed to the newsletter and if you are already involved with what I do, consider supporting my art by being a patron.